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Economic sanctions are a complex, high-risk and ever-changing mix of law, economics, policy and international relations.

As business becomes increasingly global and supply chains expand, sanctions issues can arise throughout a company’s operations and transactions and are often imposed without much notice. Our cross-border team of sanctions practitioners can come together at short notice to help you navigate and develop commercial solutions to these challenges.

We are a one-stop shop for sanctions advice and can support our clients with all sanctions-related issues across the globe. We regularly advise our clients on developments in U.S., UK, EU and UN sanctions and their impact on M&A deals, investments, securities offerings, compliance programmes and dealings with restricted entities and individuals.

Our sanctions experience extends to conducting internal investigations into potential sanctions breaches and advising on the legal and regulatory consequences of breaching sanctions frameworks, while helping our clients to mitigate their exposure to such events through effective compliance. We can also assist in sanctions licencing and reporting obligations across the jurisdictions we cover.

We continue to assist international clients in dealing with the broad and complex implications of the current crisis (particularly in relation to financial instruments historically/previously entered into with Russian counterparties) and in unwinding their Russian business interests.

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