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tisdag, den 12 oktober 2021 From 11:00 to 12:00 GMT +1

Location: Brussels

Speakers: Benedicte Deboeck, Donald Krols, Astrid Laga, Laura Vervier

Webinar: Book 3 inducted - The Belgian Property Law landscape after the reform

Linklaters Learning Hub Belgium: Season 4
Session 1: Book 3 inducted - The Belgian Property Law landscape after the reform 

The Law of 4 February 2020 thoroughly refreshed Belgian Property Law, which had been until then an amalgam of rules dating from the Dutch era (i.e. the 1824 long term lease and right to build laws), the 1804 “Code Napoléon” and over 200 years of case law. 

The reformed Property Law (Book 3) came into force on 1 September 2021. Let us guide you through the novelties of Book 3, focusing on practical considerations for real estate professionals.

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