Asia Carbon Series

Driven by a determination of businesses to meet customer and shareholder expectations on climate change, the carbon market is rapidly evolving in breadth, liquidity and sophistication.

Our Asia team has conducted three separate webinars in 2023, covering a general introduction to the voluntary and compliance carbon markets; a deeper dive into carbon trading in Asia; and an overview of recent carbon market developments.

Session 1: Getting to grips with the carbon market - an introductory session for businesses in Asia (5 July 2023)

In this session, we discussed the drivers for the increasing demand for voluntary carbon credits and the interaction with compliance markets (such as the EU emissions trading scheme); some of the challenges that investors may face in participating in this developing market place; recent developments in Asia as well as legal considerations in respect of carbon-related transactions. 

Session 2: A deeper dive into carbon trading in Asia (7 September 2023) 

In this session, we provided the latest developments relating to carbon trading, including the regulatory landscape; documentation (including compliance carbon market trading documentation, voluntary carbon market trading documentation and Renewable Energy Certificates) and selected issues when on-boarding to carbon exchanges or trading platforms.

Session 3: Decoding the international carbon market - what businesses in Asia need to know (22 November 2023)

In this session, we discussed recent carbon market updates impacting Asia businesses, including recent developments on the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM); the international framework under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and what to watch out for on carbon markets at the upcoming COP28; and an overview of innovative carbon financing products we are seeing.