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Freitag, 10 September 2021 Von 15:00 bis 15:30 GMT +1

Location: Global

Vortragende: Vanessa Havard-Williams, Rachel Barrett, Bradford Caswell, Doug Davison, Silke Bernard

Greenwashing concerns on hyperdrive: how to protect yourself against the risks

15:00 - 15:30 (BST) / 10:00 - 10:30 (EDT)

Scrutiny of ESG disclosures, claims and labels is on the rise across all sectors and markets, with increasing numbers of businesses being called out publicly for so-called “greenwashing”. Are you keeping pace with the ever evolving “do’s and don’ts” in this area?

Join us for a discussion of what regulators and other stakeholders are focussing on, what is likely to be coming down the pipeline, what issues businesses need to think about and how to future-proof yourself against greenwash allegations.