Public advocacy
Our public advocacy team provides legal advice to clients on their engagement with government, parliamentarians, regulators and the media
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Our public advocacy team provides legal advice to clients on their engagement with government, parliamentarians, regulators and the media
We can help with all aspects of preparation for select committees, congressional committees and public inquiries, including drafting written evidence, preparing to give oral evidence and advising on the process and legal powers of these bodies.
Our London team includes Alison Saunders, the former Director of Public Prosecution for England & Wales, who has extensive experience of preparing for and appearing at Parliamentary select committees, and Jonathan Jones, former Treasury Solicitor (the most senior legal official in the UK government) with decades of experience of advising ministers, preparing legislation, setting up public inquiries and giving evidence to parliamentary committees.
We are supported by the knowledge and experience of our International Advisory Group. This includes former British Foreign Secretary Lord Hague of Richmond, Michael Diekmann, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Allianz SE, Tom Glocer, the former CEO of Thomson Reuters and founder and Managing Partner of Angelic Ventures, and Meghan L. O’Sullivan, the Jeane Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice of International Affairs and Director of the Geopolitics of Energy Project at Harvard University’s Kennedy School.
Lord Hague of Richmond
British Foreign Secretary
Tom Glocer
Former CEO of Thomson Reuters and founder and Managing Partner of Angelic Ventures
Michael Diekmann
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
of Allianz SE
Meghan L. O’Sullivan
Jeane Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice of International Affairs and Director of the Geopolitics of Energy Project at Harvard University’s Kennedy School
Jacky Wright
Chief Technology and Platform Officer at McKinsey
Dr. Dambisa Moyo
Co-principal of Versaca Investments
We constantly monitor policy developments in the EU and our dedicated team closely follows emerging legislation and thinking in the EU institutions. We help clients anticipate developments, develop responses to these and deploy their legal perspectives effectively. We have developed close relationships with a number of public affairs consultants in Brussels and help our clients find the right approach and build the right team to achieve their goals in Brussels.
Bernd Meyring
Partner, Antitrust & Foreign Investment
Etienne Dessy
Partner, Financial Regulation and Investment Funds
Alexandra Nagy
EU Law & Policy Manager
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