Trustee Agenda Spring 2023

Welcome to our Spring edition of Trustee Agenda. 

As Spring is traditionally a time for new beginnings, we thought it appropriate to try something a little bit different. And so, in this edition, we take a look at a typical day in the working life of Alison Goudarzi, a member of our team; hopefully, this will persuade our readers that, contrary to popular belief, the lot of the pensions lawyer is a very happy one and will also put the spotlight on a few matters which are particularly topical.

We also, in more traditional fashion, focus on some developments which will help trustees start planning their approach to the new funding regime and, in particular, the requirement to target both full funding on a low dependency basis and a low dependency investment allocation. Last but not least we take a further look at the ever pressing topic of pension dashboards.

As always, do please let us know if there are any areas which you would like us to explore in future editions of Trustee Agenda.


Click here to read the full agenda