Real Estate Talking Points: What’s new in the world of telecoms?

In June 2020, we wrote about the opportunities and challenges facing the telecommunications sector, in the context of the inherent conflict that existed, and continues to exist, between operators and property owners and occupiers. We touched on three of the key cases that seemed to be demonstrating a move from the courts and tribunal to a landowner friendly approach which, it was argued, may have been a “wrong turn” in the context of the intended accelerated rollout of 5G. Appeals of all three decisions were expected but, one year on, appeal decisions have been delivered in only one of those cases (Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Ltd v. Ashloch Ltd and another) and the industry eagerly awaits the Supreme Court decision in the appeal of Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Ltd v Compton Beauchamp Estates Ltd later this year. Nevertheless, there have been some interesting developments in this area, both legislative and judicial, the thrust of which have largely been to support the creation and operation of telecoms networks in the UK. 

In our latest Talking Points article, Imogen Jones discusses these developments and what the tribunals have been up to.

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