Linklaters advises Legrand on its second Sustainability-Linked Bond issuance

Linklaters has advised Legrand on its second issuance of sustainability-linked bonds (SLB) in a principal amount of €700 million, with a 6-year maturity and an annual interest rate of 3.50 per cent. This bond issuance is linked to two sustainability performance targets, which are that the Legrand group (i) have at least 250 key suppliers engaged to reduce their CO₂eq emissions and that such suppliers have committed by 31 December 2024 to reducing their emissions by -400 ktCO₂eq as of 2030 compared to 2019 and (ii) have 30 per cent. of managerial positions across the Legrand group, defined as positions rated 14 or above according to the Hay Job Evaluation methodology, filled by women, on 31 December 2024.

The bonds are admitted to trading on the regulated market of Euronext in Paris.

The Linklaters team advising Legrand was composed of Véronique Delaittre, partner, Elise Alperte, managing associate, Camille Rivet, associate, as well as Tax managing associate Nadine Eng.