Video series on the new EU Product Liability Directive

As reported earlier, the EU Product Liability Directive is being completely revised almost four decades after its adoption. The new regime will be a gamechanger for product liability disputes and facilitate actions against manufacturers, distributors, importers and other market players.

In a series of short videos, our EU product liability experts provide further insights into the most important changes, addressing:

  • the significant extension of the scope of covered products, economic actors and damage positions,
  • how new assumptions alleviate the burden of proof and reverse the litigation risk,
  • what the new disclosure obligations mean for affected businesses,
  • whether the new provisions will facilitate collective redress actions, and
  • the time limits to bring product liability claims and, in particular, the extension of the expiry period in case of latent damages.
Watch the series of short videos below

Key changes and extension of scope


Alleviations of the burden of proof


Disclosure obligations


Collective Redress


Time limits and expiry period