Individual Representation

Senior individuals are under the spotlight more than ever before. When a potential issue is identified, the implications can be severe not only for the organisation but also for any employees or directors whose actions and decisions come under scrutiny. Our experience of acting for both corporates and individuals in business crime and contentious regulatory matters means we have a deep understanding of the risks that each face.

We have wide-ranging experience of the measures that regulators and criminal authorities may take in relation to individuals, including arrests, interviews under caution and compelled interviews. Our global team features former senior prosecutors and regulators who can provide first-hand insight into the priorities and approaches of the relevant authorities.

From Chairs and Chief Executives to heads of business functions, we have helped many senior individuals through career-threatening investigations. When representing individuals we understand the multitude of challenges they face and the competing demands on their time. We know how best to engage with and advise senior individuals in a way that accommodates their busy schedules and allows them to focus on their day jobs.