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What will be the impact of the Digital Markets Act outside of the EU?

Gatekeepers are in principle free to adjust their core platform services in the EU to comply with the DMA but maintain their existing business models elsewhere. They may also decide to adjust their business models globally to avoid the additional costs of maintaining different models. The prospect of similar digital platform regulation being introduced elsewhere may also incentivise gatekeepers to use the DMA as a regulatory baseline to avoid iterative changes to their CPS as similar rules are rolled out worldwide. If so, the DMA would set a de facto global standard for the regulation of large tech platforms. This is also referred to as the ‘Brussels Effect’, something already seen in the context of the GDPR for example. In the end, the costs of switching business models are likely to vary between gatekeepers and those subject to the new rules may have differing approaches, at least in the short term.

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Digital Markets Act Hub

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Scope: Designation of a gatekeeper

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Duties: Obligations under DMA

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Enforcement: The European Commission

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