Trustee Agenda Winter 2021

Welcome to our Winter edition of Trustee Agenda for 2021.

As we face the winter’s wind and even (possibly) snow-clouds hung in mist, this latest edition of Trustee Agenda will, perhaps, offer some welcome fireside reading.

In it, we focus on the new regime for pension scheme transfers which comes into force in just a few days: this requires some new administration processes and, whilst it addresses the tension between the transfer value laws and the wish to protect members from ill-advised decisions about their benefits, it does mean that trustees may, on occasion, need to make potentially difficult judgement calls. We also focus on the long-anticipated pension dashboard requirements (which will involve a staged onboarding process starting, for larger schemes, in April 2023) and on the new two-stage reporting and notification requirements (which will come into force early next year), rounding up with a refresher on how to address underpayments and overpayments of scheme benefits.

Please do let us know if there are any specific topics which you would like us to address in the next edition of Trustee Agenda which will, of course, coincide with the songs of spring.

Click here to read the full agenda