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Mind the (Gender Pay) Gap

The EU Pay Transparency Directive and its Global Impact

In this bite-sized podcast series, legal experts from across our global Employment & Incentives team reflect on the current landscape on pay transparency and equal pay in their jurisdiction and consider the impact of the EU Pay Transparency Directive. As businesses begin to navigate the changes required, our experts provide their observations on how employers can start to prepare.


Work It Out: The Employment Q&A Series

Work it out - AI in the workplace

In this episode, Sinead Casey is asked a series of questions about AI in the workplace, including why employers should be considering its use now, the employment legal risks of employers using AI and the risks of AI being a tool used by the wider workforce, and how employers reassure their workforces that their jobs will not be displaced by robots.


EU Green Bond Regulation

EU Green Bond Regulation: what is this all about

In this episode, counsel Martin Rojahn and managing associate Erin McKeown discuss at a high level what the EU Green Bond Regulation is, when it will apply, who can use the EU green bond label and what it will require of issuers.

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