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International Women’s Day 2022

Tuesday 8th March 2022 is International Women’s Day, a day when we come together to celebrate the achievements of women around the world and stand together to promote equality. The theme this year is #breakthebias – challenging us to take action to eradicate gender bias and discrimination.
At Linklaters we place Diversity and Inclusion at the heart of our culture and our values. We have built foundations that promote respect and reject all forms of prejudice and we are committed to driving positive and sustainable change. 
Inspired by the International Day of the Girl social media campaign #ThisLittleGirlisMe, we have been sharing a selection of short stories from some of the many inspiring women around the firm – from childhood to the present day – what motivates them, advice they would give to others and the allies that have influenced and championed them along the way. 

Aedamar Comiskey
Senior Partner, London



Peiying Chua Heikes
Partner, Singapore



Nicole Kar
Partner, London



Claudia Parzani
Partner, Milan



Astrid Altmann Forbes
COO Germany, Munich



Sonia Cissé
Counsel, Paris



Brenda DiLuigi
Partner, New York



Tamika Bent
Senior U.S. Associate, New York



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