Real Estate Talking Point: The Independent Review into Planning Appeal Inquiries (Rosewell Review)

"Whilst the recommendations in the Rosewell report address specific elements of the inquiry process, they are interdependent, and their effectiveness relies on all parties undertaking them to ensure the necessary improvements are made."

In June 2018, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, James Brokenshire announced the appointment of Bridget Rosewell to chair the Independent Review into Planning Appeal Inquiries (Rosewell Review). There are round about 15,000 appeals to the Planning Inspectorate against local authority planning decisions each year, 300 of which were determined at inquiry (as opposed to written representations) in 2017/2018. The purpose of the Rosewell Review was to make recommendations to significantly reduce the time taken to conclude planning inquiries, while maintaining the quality of decisions.

In this alert Rory Bennett discusses The Independent Review into Planning Appeal Inquiries (Rosewell Review) and possible recommendations that could be implemented.