Florence Danis
Litigation, Arbitration & Investigations Partner, Brussels
“I have combined contentious, pre-contentious and transactional expertise, handling commercial, criminal and regulatory matters across a wide range of disputes-related work. I am able to understand, and therefore advise on, highly technical issues in different industries, providing clients with clear guidance on the best strategies for resolving disputes. I thrive most when working in an international context and am a strong believer in the need to develop a strong trust relationship with those I work with.”
Professional experience
Education and qualifications
Published works
Florence is a partner in Linklaters' Litigation, Arbitration, and Investigations (LAI) practice, active in commercial and criminal matters, including market practices and consumer protection, business crime, commercial relationships, image and reputation matters, and a number of regulatory matters. She advises clients active in a variety of sectors, including the tech, financial and retail sectors.
She has developed considerable expertise in collective redress actions, including advising on the defence in two of the few class actions in Belgium. She is well versed in the Collective Redress Directive and in the national law transposing the same. She also advises on specific (EU) regulatory matters affecting businesses, including AML. This also leads her to advise clients in the process of setting up compliance programs.
She counsels clients in managing crises in the context of administrative, criminal and internal investigations.
Florence has been included in the “Thomson Reuters Stand-out Lawyers” database, following independent nominations by her clients.
Legal500 reports that “Florence Danis is simply the one you want defending your case in court”.
Florence acts as Knowledge & Learning Partner for Belgium and is an active promoter of diversity and inclusion in the firm, including by supporting young mothers.
Work highlights:
- A global tech company: defending a class action initiated against it for alleged fraudulent and misleading communication relating to devices and software and coordinating the defence of the company across several European jurisdictions.
- A financial institution: assisting and advising in numerous claims filed by minority shareholders on the basis of alleged misrepresentations to the market.
- A leading investment holding company: assisting and advising in the context of a criminal procedure in its capacity of shareholder of an entity suspected to have engaged in terrorism financing.
- An energy provider: advising in relation to a class action that was brought by an Ombudsman against our client and five other players on the market.
- A tyre manufacturer: assisting and advising in the context of multiple administrative enforcement procedures across the European union against alleged regulatory breaches.
- Several clients in the context of internal investigations further to suspected fraud and other breaches potentially committed within their organisations.
Professional experience
Florence regularly delivers seminars and trainings on a wide array of topics of interest to her clients, including on recent legal developments.
She acts as Knowledge & Learning Partner for Linklaters Belgium and coordination Knowledge & Learning initiatives across the Linklaters network. She often contributes to innovation and legal tech initiatives.
She is an active promoter of diversity and inclusion in the firm, including by supporting young mothers.
Education and qualifications
Florence studied law at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL, Belgium) and holds a master’s in law from Duke University School of Law (NC, USA; Fulbright alumna).
She speaks English, French and Dutch.
Published works
Florence regularly contributes to publications and journals, including by peer-reviewing articles for legal journals.
Florence has written on a variety of subjects.
These include:
- “Anti-Corruption 2022 – Belgium”, Chambers and Partners, with M. Schelkens
- “Réforme du droit de la preuve », in Impact des modifications du droit civil sur la profession de réviseur d’entreprises, ICCI, Maklu, 2020, with W. Vandenbussche
- “Les actions collectives: des régimes variés selon la catastrophe concernée”, in Le droit des catastrophes, Anthemis, 2020, with Xavier Taton
- “Affaire Proximus : un éclairage jurisprudentiel en matière de recevabilité d'une action en réparation collective”, R.D.C./T.B.H., 2018
- “Introduction aux principes de la Loi relative à l'action en réparation collective et premiers commentaires critiques”, R.D.C./T.B.H., 2014/6, with Elodie Falla and Françoise Lefèvre
- “Rappel des conséquences (souvent douloureuses) du non-respect de la loi sur l'information précontractuelle”, R.G.D.C./T.B.B.R., 2012
- “Blazing the trail on criminal IP sanctions”, World Intellectual Property Review, Volume 21, Number 11, November 2007, with Pieter Van Den Broecke
- “Le ‘comme en référé’ et le fond ordinaire devant le même juge d’appel: la jonction pour connexité ou litispendance reste possible”, R.D.C./T.B.H., 2006, with Xavier Taton
- “Quelques commentaires sur la protection du nom commercial en droit belge”, R.D.C./T.B.H., 2006, with Jean-Christophe Troussel