Our guide to the GDPR: Fully updated

We have fully updated our GDPR survival guide to reflect the latest guidance from the European Data Protection Board and the status of national implementing law. It contains answers to frequently asked questions, checklists and everything else you need to get to grips with this law.

New features

The updated guide contains a number of new features to help you comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. This includes:

  • Processing condition matrix: We have mapped out the implications of relying on each processing condition, so you can see, at a glance, the impact on your processing.
  • Territorial scope: We have updated and revised the list of criteria you should consider when assessing if you are caught by the extra-territorial provisions of the GDPR.
  • Key concepts: We have updated our guidance on key concepts such as “risk”, “high risk” and “large scale” in light of the recent guidance from the European Data Protection Board.
Available here

Our updated guide is available here.

If you would like a hard copy of the report, please speak to your usual contact at Linklaters.