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Issues for Financial Sponsors 2024

Staying agile to be ahead of the game



In a landscape shaped by geopolitical shifts, economic challenges, diverging societal and political views, and the swift advance of technology, agility and foresight are pivotal in steering a business to success.

Our latest “Issues for Financial Sponsors” publication outlines emerging and perennial topics for financial sponsors and their portfolio companies that we believe should spark lively discussion for decision makers over the next year.

Please get in touch with the contacts listed if you would like to discuss any of the issues covered in this publication.

Issues For Financial Sponsors










Beyond the peak of inflated expectations: Using generative AI to enhance performance

Generative AI is revolutionising industries, but as the hype around its potential grows, so do the legal and ethical challenges it poses. This article highlights five issues for consideration as businesses navigate a complex legal and ethical landscape, strategically plan for AI integration, and ensure compliance and effective risk management.



Cyber attacks: Keeping pace with new governance expectations

As cyber threats increasingly dominate the risk landscape, businesses face the daunting task of bolstering their cyber defences. We highlight the importance of strategic board-level oversight and the need for precise metrics, targeted training, and robust incident planning, all within the framework of emerging governance codes like the UK's draft Cyber Governance Code of Practice.


M&A: Making sure you cross the finish line

At the same time as corporates and financial sponsors come under increasing pressure to pursue strategic transactions, M&A activity is facing heightened, and at times unpredictable, antitrust and regulatory scrutiny. It is therefore important for dealmakers to be aware of some of the risks to transactions. We highlight four key regulatory trends to consider.

Wheelchair race


DEI: How to lead without going offside

Whilst much focus has been on achieving greater diversity among senior leaders in recent years, the spotlight is increasingly moving towards the overall responsibility those senior leaders have for an organisation’s overall DEI strategy. However, we are in a challenging landscape, with a variety of attitudes towards DEI being expressed by stakeholders, and legal limitations on what actions can lawfully be taken to improve DEI. We focus on five areas to be considered.


Navigating the shift towards a low carbon economy: How to stay the course

Despite growing anti-ESG and anti-net zero sentiment in some quarters, the broader economic landscape is unmistakably moving towards a lower carbon economy. For businesses to stay ahead, they must integrate the management of climate and other ESG risks with the pursuit of new opportunities. We identify five critical areas for consideration and action in the coming year.


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