November 2023

Alumni Features

Cutting through the fog – the Linklaters view on AI in the legal profession

For law firms and their clients, the use of Artificial Intelligence as an enabling tool of potentially enormous value is already beyond dispute. What remains to be settled is the best most secure and morally sound way in which to integrate AI into the daily life of various parts of the commercial world. 
It is a topic which can lend itself to confusion amid wild claims of its most ardent fans about the almost magical properties of AI and the equally far-fetched, doom-laden predictions of those who view it as a disaster waiting to happen. 

On the alumni website, we discuss the potential benefits and possible pitfalls of AI in the legal profession with Shilpa BhandarkarMarc Harvey, and Adrian Fisher

AI at Linklaters – using revolutionary tools in an evolutionary fashion for the benefit of the firm’s clients and its people 
Adrian Fisher on how an IP lawyer became a TMT leader