6 September 2024
Since late 2023, the CMA has opened five merger investigations in relation to AI partnerships – the cases will give important insights into the CMA’s merger policy, both in terms of the limits (or indeed, breadth) of the CMA’s jurisdiction as well as its approach to substantive assessment in (the most) nascent but fast-moving tech markets. In this post, we summarise the state of play on the five investigations, reflect on why they matter beyond AI, and highlight what we’ll be looking out for in the CMA’s Phase 1 decisions when they come.
20 June 2024
Competition authorities are in the business of predicting the future. The task of comparing two possible futures – one with, and one without the merger – is hard enough, especially in fast-moving markets. The assessment is even more complex when there is the prospect of another merger in the same market. So how do authorities disentangle multiple possible futures in practice and why does it matter?
14 February 2024
Three years into their divorce, how are the European Commission and CMA approaching parallel cases? This year has been an important one for parallel review of cross-border mergers - so much so that Platypus and Rhino have teamed up to collate the first official break up album in the EC / CMA love story.
15 January 2024
As Platypus welcomes in the New Year with open arms, so it also welcomes the CMA’s draft revised guidance on jurisdiction and procedure. In our latest post, we recap four of the CMA’s key changes and in the spirit of setting ambitious, but achievable, New Year’s resolutions we set out four additional items on Platypus’s wish list for the CMA for 2024.
21 December 2023
Much like an early stage investor, the CMA is in the business of predicting which nascent businesses or products will get wings. Over recent years, a quest for redemption after perceived under-enforcement has led the CMA to significantly expand the framework within which mergers in innovative markets are considered. In this Platypus post, we consider the CMA’s approach to dynamic competition in recent cases – key among them Adobe / Figma – and the extent to which past performance might be indicative of future results.
20 November 2023
The CMA’s Sarah Cardell and Martin Coleman gave important speeches on UK merger control today which seek to provide more engagement to merger parties in Phase 2 merger investigations and revise the CMA’s guidance in relation to deals in markets considered too small to warrant in-depth Phase 2 investigation.
These changes promise to materially alter how merger parties will interact with the CMA in complex and important cases going forward.
25 August 2023
The CMA issued a “call for information” seeking feedback on its process for Phase 2 merger reviews. The CMA has invited views on whether there are aspects of the process that could work better – Platypus has a few. In this post, we summarise our top five suggestions for procedural changes that we believe would improve the process for the CMA and merging parties alike.
17 March 2023
The end of January marked two years since the UK regained the post Brexit “freedom” to assess “big-target”, big-ticket global deals that were previously reviewed by the European Commission, giving rise to the possibility of differing merger control decisions by UK and EU authorities. There have since been 20 cases reviewed in parallel by the CMA and EC.
In this Platypus post, we consider the merger control cases that have been reviewed by both the CMA and EC, and what the numbers can tell us on the risk of divergence in practice and what to expect in parallel reviews going forward.
18 January 2023
The CMA has recently concluded its first ‘fast-track’ Phase 2 cases. While the process resulted in significant time savings, the merger parties had to concede all competition concerns identified by the CMA during its Phase 1 assessment, thereby sacrificing any hope of unconditional clearance at Phase 2.
In this Platypus post, we consider whether the fast-track remedies framework eases the friction in the CMA’s Phase 2 review process for global deal-doers and which transactions might find the increased flexibility as particularly attractive in light of increased complexity and ultimately high CMA deal mortality.
18 July 2022
This season finale was not just any storm in a port – and it made for gripping viewing. After an in-depth second series, the European Commission conditionally cleared Cargotec/Konecranes in February 2022. For the British remake, the ending was completely changed: the CMA blocked the deal with a new twist on a now-familiar procedural story.
The CMA confounded audience expectations by clearing Facebook/Kustomer at Phase 1 – the subject of our first divergence post. In this Platypus post, we consider the CMA’s post Brexit divergence and why this rupture was so significant from a comity perspective.
1 June 2022
Wearing the iconic section #23 “share of supply test” jersey, the CMA becomes the Michael Jordan of Multi-Jurisdictional merger control – almost unstoppable when motivated. Its superpower is the Greatest Of All Time jurisdictional tests, used to sail over opponents and dunk on foreign-to-foreign “incumbent/challenger” deals. In this Platypus post, we consider the Government’s position that GOAT is not good enough, and that share of supply needs more aerial prowess, but with one toe on British hardcourt – a UK nexus test.
22 February 2022
The recent acquisitions by financial sponsor investors of two major UK supermarkets have raised concerns by Parliamentarians (including from the head of the Business Select Committee) and in the media, about highly leveraged structures leading to reduced competition in markets.
Platypus now asks the question: is the fact that an acquisition is highly leveraged relevant to a merger review (and should it be?).
10 February 2022
In the run-up to Brexit, the CMA had made a prediction that parallel reviews of former EUMR one-stop shop cases could mean “an additional 30 to 50 Phase 1 mergers per year”, potentially leading to “half a dozen or so additional Phase 2 cases”. So what does the parallel merger control landscape look like one year after Brexit? The sample size is small, but are there any emerging trends or lessons we can draw out?
30 November 2021
A quiz for the literarily minded: "How can I escape from this dreadful thing of night, gloom, and fear?" Was it: (a) Jonathan Harker plotting his escape from Castle Dracula; or (b) Platypus on the intricacies of the initial enforcement order or IEO?
We do love to hate them. But as is ever the case, better the devil you know than the devil you don’t… Still, Platypus has some judicious suggestions that would make the IEO process work better for the CMA and for parties alike.
28 October 2021
If the UK Government wishes to press ahead with a new regime to block GAFA mergers that are unlikely to harm competition, then it should consider maximising the legitimacy of developing such a powerful weapon.
Last week, we proposed testing for US and EU support in principle as way of increasing legitimacy. This week, we propose a complementary tool to reinforce this… the British courts. Read on to find out more.
20 October 2021
Sweeping competition policy reform proposals by the UK Government include a new test which would allow the CMA to block a Big Tech merger to be on the safe side — one that is realistically but not likely to be anti-competitive. In this post, Platypus asks whether it is wise for the UK to legislate a unilateral British answer to a global question.
13 October 2021
The CMA’s expansive interpretation of the current jurisdictional tests has recently been confirmed by the CAT. So why is the Government proposing to stretch the tentacles of UK merger control even further in the name of ‘rebalanced merger control’? What’s left to rebalance? Our latest Platypus post answers these questions and more.
19 March 2021
The CMA’s new MAGs are here to stay. While in many ways the content of the new MAGs simply codifies the approach to merger review seen in recent years, there are a number of important practical points to be aware of going into your next deal.
12 March 2021
Warning: This post is one for the very small but significant sub-section of subscribers who self-identify to the Venn diagram overlap between real UK merger control aficion… nerds and scholars of ’80s movie references. Check back soon for some more useful practical thoughts on the new MAGs when they are published.
15 February 2021
Does it Fit? Not a bit. The CMA would not have worn the Google / Fitbit remedy, as its CEO Dr Andrea Coscelli made clear in a speech on 9 February 2021. Google must be glad for the EU One Stop Shop while it lasted... A Commonwealth tandem of the UK and Australia might have effected a very different outcome had the deal been announced today. This blog post explores the challenge of multi-jurisdictional process and substantive friction post-Brexit.
27 November 2020
Platypus team members took a pause from blogging to contribute to the latest issue of the Competition Law Journal, focusing on themes that should be familiar to regular Platypus readers – the CMA’s approach to merger enforcement, the elastic nature of its jurisdiction, and its increasing willingness to intervene in “foreign-to-foreign” deals with limited nexus to the UK.
22 October 2020
Business travel is no longer carte blanche. This last week, Platypus pined for the Eurostar and had to settle for armchair amphibian.
2 October 2020
This blog post considers the facts of a number of high-profile deals which have involved, since the onset of the pandemic, the seller citing the buyer’s failure to comply with regulatory obligations in subsequent litigation and the lessons these cases have for deal doers.
29 September 2020
Platypus was launched as a weekly internal UK merger control blog in the Linklaters London competition team. Spotting a gap in the market, it introduced the Phase 2 deal mortality rate, and not a prohibition rate, as our most useful measure for tracking CMA merger control outcomes. This internal blog is now the nocturnal Platy-day Night Live, while this external version must adapt to the predator hazards of daylight. Regrettably, this makes daytime Platypus more like rice pudding to PNL’s late-night Vindaloo.
25 September 2020
Platypus was launched as a weekly internal UK merger control blog in the Linklaters London competition team. Spotting a gap in the market, it introduced the Phase 2 deal mortality rate, and not a prohibition rate, as our most useful measure for tracking CMA merger control outcomes. This internal blog is now the nocturnal Platy-day Night Live, while this external version must adapt to the predator hazards of daylight. Regrettably, this makes daytime Platypus more like rice pudding to PNL’s late-night Vindaloo.
23 September 2020
Companies involved in global deals are finding that increased levels of CMA intervention coupled with the imminent end of the European One Stop Shop for the UK component of transactions, mean that they need to factor into their deals the possibility of a CMA review.
In this post we consider the implications of Brexit on merger control, in particular the risk of divergent outcomes for deals involving parallel reviews by the CMA and European Commission.
20 August 2020
The UK’s merger control regime has remarkable similarities to a platypus: it confounds neat classifications. The answer to basic questions about the UK’s regime is both yes and no - is it voluntary? Is there an objective qualifying threshold? Other aspects of the UK’s unique regime allow the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to reach deals which are off-limits to other authorities.
Merger control is critical to the success of any M&A transaction. Linklaters’ truly global competition team works with clients to devise their global merger control strategy.
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In our Antitrust and Foreign Investment Legal Outlook 2024, we explore the key global trends across antitrust enforcement, foreign investment screening, merger control review and more, with practical calls to action for your business to best prepare for the year ahead.
2023 was a busy year, so it’s time to take stock of some of the key global developments and consider the impact on business going forward.
Explore our Linklaters Tech Insights page for the latest news, commentary and insights from our lawyers on all things tech.
This fourth edition of our 5 themes in 5 minutes draws together the insights of our tech, antitrust and regulatory experts across the globe. We highlight the five issues businesses active in, and interacting with digital markets, should be abreast of as we look to 2024.
This series walks through the issues – from competitor collaborations to M&A and State aid – giving practical guidance on how to navigate the interplay between the growing expectations of governments and society and the consequences of breaching the competition rules.